Thursday, May 13, 2010



Becoming successful in life has no age barrier. It does not matter, if you are 18 – 80 year old. Just about anyone can be successful in life. Age don’t really count when it comes to success. If you have the desire to succeed, then release the creative energy required for you to succeed. The truth is that everybody is created for success. What differentiates us is our ability to use our creative power. If you want to be successful in creating the life of your dreams, you have to believe that you are capable of making it happen; you have to believe you have the right stuff, that you are able to pull it off. You call it self esteem, self confidence or self assurance, it is a deep seated belief that you have what it takes, the abilities, inner resources, talent and skills to create your desire success.

Truly speaking, believing in you is a choice. It’s an attitude you develop over time, no one is born with a positive mental attitude. It’s what is developed. This is one of the criteria required to condition yourself for success. Mental attitude is also the factor which determines whether one’s prayer bring negative or positive results. It’s but little cause for wonder; therefore, a positive mental attitude heads the list of all great riches of life.

Other criteria needed to condition yourself for success is freedom from fear. No man enslaved by fear can be successful. You have to free yourself from the spirit of fear. Fear is an insult to the creator who created man in his own image and imparted man with the spirit of creativity and not that of fear. God has not given us the spirit of fear but that of sound mind. Fear will hinder you from conditioning yourself for success.

To condition yourself for success another criteria needed is the hope of future achievement. Hope sustain one in time of emergency, without it, fear would take over. Hope is the basis of the most profound form of happiness which comes from the expectancy of success in some, as yet unattained, plan or purpose. Poor indeed is the person who cannot look toward the future with hope that he will become the person he would like to be, or attain the position he would like to hold in life, or attain the objective he has failed to acquire in the past.

Self discipline is another criterion required for conditioning yourself for success. The person who is not the master of himself may never become the master of anything outside of himself. He who is the master of self may become the master of his own earthly destiny and the master of his fate, the captain of his soul. Without self discipline one can not condition himself for success.

Embrace the criteria above, apply them in your daily life and you will become a success- for success is nothing more or less than the attainment of your desired purpose of creation.

Am your host Ikuvwerha Benjamin.

See you at the top.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


I am of the believe that we are all created for a particular purpose, reason best known to our maker and It is our responsibility to discover that reason and redirect all our energy toward achieving our purpose of creation. Everyone on earth have a calling. We are not created by mistake. God have a reason for creating everyone and he created all for a specific purpose. It is a fact that every great achievement starts with a calling. There is a manual for all created, without tapping into the source you might not discover your calling. Once you discover your calling and follow it through, you will eventually gain the sight of God’s preferred future for you and you will clearly see the picture of who you are destined to be. What is actually revealed to you at this stage is not sighting but vision. It is now you choice to stick to the vision or turn away from it.
It is the plan of God for us to succeed and be in good health. In most cases we turn away from his purpose and plan for us. To increase your success 100% in whatever you do, you have to reconnect to the source.
The below story teach us how to reconnect to our source.
"Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go."1
When Moses died, God appointed Joshua to be the new leader of Israel. One of the very first things God did was to give Joshua a goal—a goal to claim and conquer the Promised Land. God spelled out the northern, southern, eastern and western borders so the goal was very specific. Joshua knew exactly what he needed to do.
God also told Joshua that he had given him and the ancient Israelites this land—but they still had to go and conquer it. It wasn't handed to them on a silver platter. They had to battle every inch of the way to conquer it. However, had God not given the land to them, they wouldn't have been able to conquer it.
Furthermore, God promised Joshua good success providing he and the people fully obeyed all the directions and laws God had given to them through Moses.
It has been noted that "success is the ability to embrace a worthwhile goal and then employ all of your powers for the achievement of that goal." I'm sure Joshua would have agreed with this definition of success.
As we share the secret of good success today in this blog, God has a specific plan and goal for you and me. It's up to us to seek God to discover what that plan and goal is. And then it's up to us, with God's help, to "take action and go get it!"
Any worthwhile goal will also be a challenge for us to fulfill. God isn't going to hand it to us on a silver platter. However, as God promised to be with Joshua and help him, he will also be with us and help us; that is, providing we "employ all of our powers to achieve that goal" and live and work in harmony with God's will and obey his Word. Only then will we have good success. Of that we can be confident.
In conclusion, the secret of good success is in God, reconnect to him.
Suggested prayer: "Dear God, thank you that as you promised to be with Joshua you will also be with me. Show me specifically what you want me to be and do, and give me the wisdom, faith, courage, and determination to work to fulfill that goal. And help me to live in harmony with your will so that I, too, will experience your blessing and good success. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer.
1. Joshua 1:7 (NIV).

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

How To Achieve Good Success By Increasing Your Confidence.

How To Achieve Good Success By Increasing Your Confidence.
I am going to share with you a little secret about increasing your success and how your thoughts create energy - which either attracts success or attracts failure. Most people are not aware that their thoughts are energy, and very few are aware of the fact that their thoughts can actually create the failure they have in life when the really want success.Whether you send out energy that attracts success or failure really depends on the kind of thoughts you ponder upon. Those who focus their attention on the good qualities that they have and take time to take pleasure in their achievements, no matter how small they are - will inevitably attract success to themselves. With that kind of mind set they will continuously send out a positive success energy that in turn will attract more and more success.

One fact is clear - in life we will fail more often than we succeed. But those who continue to enjoy success - never give up and they always focus on their success - no matter how small that success is - they focus on it. And in so doing they don't look at the failures - thus creating a positive energy for them.

Unfortunately most people tend to focus their thoughts on what they did wrong, what they failed at, why things didn't work out, why they're not good enough, -- they simply focus on their shortfalls and negative qualities. In the end, without really knowing it, they send out a negative energy that only attracts more negative situations and failures. If you feel that things aren't going well in a particular area of your life - then take a look at the thoughts that you have regularly about that particular area. There are chances that you may be having a series of negative thoughts and things just keep getting worse. For example: if you want to feel more comfortable when speaking to people or have more confidence when dealing with business associates or at work - do you sometimes look at all the things that could go wrong? Do you look at your shortfalls when thinking about those situations? If you do then you only create negative success energy. Now it's time to turn the tide and I'll show you how - so keep reading.

If you're one of the people whose always doing what I just described above - don't get dejected - you can still turn things around. Yes, things can get better. But in order for that to happen you have to change your energy and that means changing your thoughts. Now I'm not talking about saying a number of affirmations - sure that will help - its one step and a positive step. But you can also start by focusing on the good things that you have in life. Focus on your accomplishments; focus on the success that you have, focused on your positive qualities.
You may say: I haven't had any great achievements and have nothing to focus on!" Well, quite frankly that's a pile of nonsense. You're just looking in the wrong area.When I refer to success and accomplishments I'm referring to some of the things that you consider small achievements. If you're a good parent - that's an achievement. If you're a leader of a group or help out with a charity - that's an accomplishment. If you graduated college or even high school - that's an accomplishment. If you're good at talking to people - that's a positive quality. If you have a good sense of humor - that's a positive quality. If you're a caring person - that's a positive quality.

So take a few moments out of your day at some point this week and list all your positive qualities and achievements/accomplishments. When you're done - take a few minutes to absorb those positive qualities and accomplishments. Focus on how good you feel about them - what you immediately start doing is sending out a positive success energy. But what you also do is you get your mind to focus on the good things in life and this in turn sends a positive message about your own self worth to your subconscious. In the end you'll create that positive success energy, and you'll also improve your own self-esteem and self-confidence.In all you do and in your thoughts don’t forget the fact that God has a specific plan and goal for you and me. It's up to us to seek God to discover what that plan and goal is. And then it's up to us, with God's help, to "take action and go get it!" I wish you good success in your entire Endeavour in life.

Remain Blessed.

See you at the top